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31st Arrival
27 Feb 2025 5:25 am
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Johnny You » 27 Feb 2025, 6:22 am » wrote: Thee truth is that greed is a survival instinct.  It does lead to bad outcomes, but usually not for the winner.

In the current state of affairs the losers will far outweigh the winners.  I had commented that we might have 4 billion more customers for refrigeration in the next 20 years. My super smart boss didn't share my enthusiasm.  There is a shytload of profit out there.  Drill Baby Drill and make more taxpayers. And if you don't teach them to be white anglo saxon christians they are phooked.
What motives the greed emotion regardless race, creed, color, gender, generation gap, ancestral lineages combined?

Ideas now isn't self evident time living a series parallel position of life eternally separating each reproduction native to this atmosphere so far.

List the factual methods of sustaining reasonable doubt every generation gap lived so far since;
0. your own original16 great great grandparents and siblings/cousins were born.
1. first 8 great grandparent generation of siblings and cousins added
2. 2nd generation of 4 grandparents siblings and cousins including previous 2 generation gaps and every other species in the food chain so far.
3. 3rd generation gap of 2 parents aunts, uncles, cousins.
4. each great great grandchild replacing their previous 4 generations lived daily here, evolving in plain sight as the entre food chain adapts to space now.
5. great great grandchildren become 1 of 2 parents.
6. original great great grandchildren become 1 of 4 grandparents
7. original great great grandchildren become 1 of 8 great grandparents
8. original great great grandchildren become 1 of 16 dead great great grandparents reflecting how and why life exists naturally alive each rotation added so far.
9 gates of eternal hell people pretend nobody knew now was eternity.

Don't tell me my brain doesn't understand my origin why you defend people wishing now wasn't self evident time life only happens as eternally spearated today each rotation one's heart continues to beat one of a kind equally inhabiting space so far.

Your metaphor to tree of life is your own chromosomes.

Your reality is constantly trying to disprove now isn't eternity by social consensus daily as does every alternate reality existed since dawn of civilization.

i.e. invention of governance by rule of law making vernacular tribalism the means to control every generation gaps living here now.

Why I call Donald J. Trump the lesser of evils playing the swinging pendulum of left vs right as perpendicular axiom to zero sum gain thermodynamics sustaining this perpetual balancing universe now of the entire species populating space with 8.14 billion people i full self destruct mode pretending life is too complicated for each brain to remain civil to the situation of living eternally separated now.

Every brain navigates time uniquely alive now. Every social mentality refuses to accept now is eternity.

The actual source of absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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